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| CHAPTER 1 | What is Data Structures? Data Structures are any data representations and it's associated operations. It is also defined as the implementation of ADT(Abstract Data Type, We will learn about Abstract Data Type later). E.g. Integer: Summation        String: Replace Note: There are different types of data Structures and no particular data structure is better than the other in all cases, it all comes down to a number of factors depending on which a certain type of Data Structure is suitable for a certain problem. Resource Constraints such as Time consumption and space(memory) availability are the two major factors that determine the efficiency of a certain data structure. Selecting Efficient Data Structure for a problem Carefully analyze the problem and figure out the resource constraints.  Determine the basic operations and quantify the resource constraints for each operation.  Select the data structure that best meets the requirements. 


| Introduction | I will, in fact, claim that the difference between a bad programmer and a good one is whether he considers his code or his data structures more important. Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships. - Linus Torvalds One might have learned all the fundamental concepts of a programming language and might be really experienced as well. But does that make that person an efficient programmer? Not necessarily. One must have a proper understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms to be an efficient programmer. Now, people might say why study data structures and algorithms, and why waste time making programs efficient when computers are getting faster every year? The reason is, hardware upgrade merely adds on to the efficiency as the problem complexity  increases(That appears to be some fancy jibberish, but hold on for now. You will learn more about it in Chapter 6). To operate on  any data we


Does making a  Digital Clock  in Java sounds cool to you? If yes then you, my friend definitely are in the place. SOURCE CODE    import java.awt.Font;  import java.awt.Color;  import java.awt.GridLayout;  import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;  import java.awt.event.ActionListener;  import javax.swing.JFrame;  import javax.swing.JLabel;  import javax.swing.Timer;  import javax.swing.SwingConstants;  import java.util.*;  import java.text.*;    public class Clock   {   public static void main(String[] args)    {        JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);      JFrame frame = new JFrame("Digital Clock");     frame.setSize(300,150);      frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);     frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));       ClockLabel dateL = new ClockLabel("date");      ClockLabel timeL = new ClockLabel("time");      ClockLabel dayL = new ClockLabel("day");           frame.add(dateL);     f


 Note - Recursive algorithm used The Towers of Hanoi is one of the most famous classic problems in Computer Science that almost every Computer Scientist has to tackle with at least once in their entire lifetime. LEGEND According to legends, In the Far East, there exists a temple where few diligent priests are trying to move a stack of golden disks from one diamond peg to another. There are three pegs in total and the stack has 64 disks threaded onto one peg arranged in increasing order of size from top to bottom. The priests are moving the stack from one peg to another under the conditions that exactly one disk is moved at a time and never should a larger disk be placed over a smaller disk. And it is said that that the world will come to an end by the time the priests complete their task. To learn more about Towers of Hanoi   CLICK HERE !!! QUESTION Write a C++ algorithm to move n number of disks from peg1 to peg2 under the given conditions : Only one disk is to be m


Space and Dragons is a top-down endless space shooter where the player takes on the role of a brave space warrior. In the game, the player has to fight against fierce Space Dragons while making the way through other obstacles such as space debris and much more. FEATURES: SPACE DRAGONS MOVING DEBRIS POWER-UPS HEALTH BOOST SHIELD AND much more SCREENSHOTS...... APPLICATIONS USED : QT Creator (A C++ based framework) GIMP (An Image Manipulation Software) AUDACITY (An Audio Manipulation Software) NOTE: The game resources have been collected from the OpenGameArt website and various other online sources. The used game assets are not my property. GAME DOWNLOAD LINK: DOWNLOAD GAME GAME REQUIREMENTS OS : WINDOWS RAM : 1 GB HARD DRIVE : 150 MB CONTROLS: LEFT, RIGHT keys for movements and SPACE to Shoot SPACE SHOOTER IN ACTION UPDATE << Click here to download the source code >> Zip Password: TheSuperProgrammer NOTE: The game

THE LITTLE GENIUS - An educational app for kids

( Created using MIT App Inventor 2 ) Hello everyone... This time I came up with something interesting that I think you guys will find absolutely fun and useful. What is this post about? This post is all about one of the few Android apps that I made using  MIT App Inventor . Since this was one of my final project for my school so I was quite serious about it while working on it. I was just like as if I was about to revolutionize everything. . . haha. What is MIT App Inventor? Well, I believe that most of you guys are already familiar with MIT App Inventor but for those of you who are new to MIT App Inventor can learn more about it from  here . NOTE:- If you are a beginner and have no experience with MIT App Inventor then I strongly recommend you guys to check some of the tutorials on MIT App Inventor (at least 2-3 beginner tutorials). Click here for the official tutorials. About the app... The Little Genius app is just a fun and

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